June 10, 2006


وقتي کلمات هم نتونن اندکي از حالات درونت رو به دنياي بيرون انعکاس بدهند، اونوقت مجبوري به جاي لغت، از روشهاي ديگه براي بازگو کردن دغدغه هات استفاده کني...
و من نقطه ميگذارم تا براحتي با هرچيزي بشه جايگزينش کرد...

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Close your eyes
Feel the ocean where passion lies
Silently the senses
Abandon all defences

A place between sleep and awake
End of innocence, unending masquerade
That's where I'll wait for you

Hold me near you
So close me sear you
Seeing, believing
Dreaming, decieving

A place between sleep and awake
End of innocence, unending masquerade
That's where I'll wait for you

Sleepwalker seducing me
I dare to enter your ecstasy
Lay yourself now down to sleep
In my dreams you're mine to keep

Sleepwalker seducing me
I dare to enter your ecstasy
Lay yourself now down to sleep
In my dreams you're mine to keep

Posted by agordji at June 10, 2006 3:28 AM