March 7, 2004

خب اينم يه مدلش بود ديگه! براي يه بنده خدايي تو شيراز کلي نشستيم يه سيستم Video Conference از طريق وب راه انداختيم بعد روزي که قرار بود تحويلش بديم و پولش رو بگيريم يارو اصلا غيب شد!! حالا من فقط از لحاظ وقتي که روش گذاشتم ضرر کردم اما بيچاره حسين کلي هم هزينه مودم ISDN و اين چيزا رديف کرده بود و الان حسابي قات زده!!
به هر حال همه اينا تجربه س! اما خب تو ايران اين جور تجربه ها تنوعش يه ذره زياده:) يعني ته نداره! همش بايد سرت کلا بره و تجربه کني:))
حالا از اينا که بگذاريم اين Josh Groban عجب خواننده ايه!

آلبوم اولش رو که يکي از دوستام بهم داده بود و خيلي دوسش داشتم. اين آلبوشم (Closer) که واقعا محشره!
مخصوصا اين آهنگشو کلي دوست دارم...

My Confession

I have been blind, unwilling to see
The true love you're giving.
I have ignored every blessing.
I'm on my knees confessing

That I feel myself surrender
Each time I see your face.
I am staggered by your beauty,
Your unassuming grace.
And I feel my heart is turning,
Falling into place.
I can't hide
Now hear my confession.

I have been wrong about you.
Thought I was strong without you.
For so long nothing could move me.
For so long nothing could change me.
Now I feel myself surrender
Each time I see your face.
I am captured by your beauty,
Your unassuming grace.
And I feel my heart is turning,
Falling into place.
I can't hide
Now hear my confession.

You are the air that I breath.
You're the ground beneath my feet.
When did I stop believing?

Cause I feel myself surrender
Each time I see your face.
I am staggered by your beauty,
Your unassuming grace.
And I feel my heart
Falling into place.
I can't hide
Now hear my confession.
I can't hide
Now hear my confession.
Hear my confession

Posted by agordji at March 7, 2004 1:34 PM